Name 姓名 : 8364号 Duo Bao(多宝)
Age 年龄 : 22 Years Old
Height 身高 : 160cm
Boobs 胸围 : 36D
Weight 体重 : 46
Room & CD Included 包房包套
Central Area 中部地区
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Body: 9 with small tattoo on boob
Boobs: 9 real and soft. C+ cup, very reactive nips
BBBJ: 8.5 wet and deep. Good suction. Start during shower
Dfk: nil but can paint. Keep moaning and wet
Pussy: clean shave and wet, no fingering
Fj: 9 tight. Change 4 positions. No complains. Very accomodating.
Gfe: 10 Good attitude. No phone use
Rtf: definitely
Location:9/10 地点方便又干净
Body:10/10 一只手抓不完
Face: 10/10 真人比照片更美
Massage: 8/10 刚下海不久慢慢教
Bbbj: 10/10 深喉
Fj: 10/10 配合更换姿势